Arjan Durresi's ATM Forum Contributions

Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Gojko Babic, "On LCD and MIMO Metrics for Frame Latencies," ATM_Forum/99-0368, July 1999,

Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Gojko Babic, "Aggregation of MIMO Latency," ATM_Forum/99-0243, April 1999,

Raj Jain, Arjan Durresi, Gojko Babic, "Throughput Fairness Index: An Explanation," ATM_Forum/99-0045, February 1999,

Arian Durresi, Raj Jain, Gojko Babic, and Bruce Northcote, "Proposed modified text for Methodology for Implementing Scalable Test Configurations," ATM_Forum/98-0410, July 1998,

Arian Durresi, Gojko Babic, Raj Jain, "Proposed text for Performance Testing Terminology," ATM_Forum/98-0411, July 1998,

Raj Jain, Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, ATM Performance Testing Specifications Baseline Text, ATM Forum BTD-TEST TM-PERF.00.05 (96-0810R8), February 1998

Gojko Babic, Raj Jain, Arjan Durresi, Justin Dolske, "Modifications to the performance testing baseline text" ATM Forum/97-1088, December 1997,

Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, Gojko Babic, "Modifications to Appendix B and Sections 3.1.7 and 3.2.7 of Performance Testing Baseline Text." ATM Forum/97-1089, December 1997,

Justin Dolske, Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, "Testing Experiences and Modifications to Mean Frame Burst Size (MFBS) Section of Performance Testing Baseline Text" ATM Forum/97-0833, Sep 1997,

Gojko Babic, Raj Jain, Arjan Durresi, Justin Dolske, "Modifications to Appendix A of Performance Testing Baseline Text on MIMO Latency" ATM Forum/97-0834, Sep 1997,

Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, Gojko Babic, "Proposed Appendix B of Performance Testing Baseline Text on Scalable Configurations," ATM Forum/97-0835, Sep 1997,

Raj Jain, Arjan Durresi, Gojko Babic, Justin Dolske, "ATM Forum Performance Testing Specification - Baseline Text," ATM Forum/BTD-TEST-TM-PERF.00.04 (96-0810R7), December 1997

Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Justin Dolske, Raj Jain, "Measurement Experiences with the Revised MIMO Latency Definition," ATM Forum/97-0859, Sep 1997,

Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, "Modifications to the delay section of Performance Testing Baseline Text," ATM Forum/97-0611, July 1997,

Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, "Revised MIMO Definition," ATM Forum/97-0612, July 1997,

Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, "Modifications to sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of Performance Testing Baseline," ATM Forum/97-0613, July 1997,

Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, "Modifications to the throughput section of Performance Testing Baseline," ATM Forum/97-0614, July 1997,

Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, Shabbir Shahpurwala, "Proposed modifications to Performance Testing Baseline: Throughput and Latency Metrics," ATM Forum/97-0426, April 1997,

Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi, Raj Jain, Justin Dolske, Shabbir Shahpurwala, "ATM Switch Performance Testing Experiences," ATM Forum/97-0178R1, April 1997,

ATM Forum Contributions by Raj Jain's Group

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