CS580, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3 credits (Spring '17)

Class time: Tue. & Thu. 10:30a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Class room: SL 050.

Instructor: Dr. Xukai Zou

(Office: SL 280F; Phone: 278-8576; Email: xkzou@cs.iupui.edu)

Office Hours: Tue., Thu. 11:45 am - 12:45 p.m. or by appt.



Homework Assignments
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Homework 5

  1. Brief introduction to algorithm analysis and design using sorting algorithms Lecture slides
  2. Recurrences and master theorem (Chapter 4)Lecture Slides
  3. Divide and Conquer--closest pair (Chapter 33.4) Lecture slides
  4. Lower bound: decision tree & adversary argument Lecture Slides
  5. Sorting in Linear TimeLecture Slides
  6. Selection: Order Statistics (prune & search technique) (Chapter 9). Lecture Slides
  7. Dynamic Programming (Chapter 15). Lecture Slides
  8. Greedy Algorithms (Chapter 16). Lecture Slides
  9. Amortized Analysis (Chapter 17) Lecture Slides
  10. Balanced Search Trees (red-back tree) Lecture Slides (Other search tree)
  11. Augementing data structureLecture Slides
  12. Summary of previous lectures Slides
  13. Disjoint Sets (Chapter 21). Lecture Slides
  14. NP-Completeness (Chapter 34) Lecture Slides
  15. String/Pattern Matching (Chapter 32). Lecture Slides
  16. Parallel Algorithms (Selected from Chapter 30, the First Edition). Lecture Slides
  17. Approximation Algorithms (Chapter 35). Lecture Slides
  18. Linear Programming
  19. Some Problems using Prune-and-search technique
  20. Maxminum Network Flow
  21. Flood fill algorithm
  22. Summary of lectures Summary Slides
  23. Some Math Bases and Facts

Useful links
Introduction to Algorithms, second edition, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, MIT Press, 2001, ISBN 0-262-03293-7.
errata list

Questions? Please send e-mail to me, xkzou@cs.iupui.edu or our TA Yan Sui at ysui@umail.iu.edu.